Pyronix delighted with finalist nomination at the Security Fire Excellence Awards 2017

Having already won the prestigious PSI Intruder Product of the Year in July, the Enforcer V10 received further recognition with its nomination for Intruder Alarm or Exterior Product of the Year, at last night’s award ceremony at the London Hilton.

“We are delighted to be nominated in a category with such strong competition,” Marketing Manager, Laurence Kenny, said.

He continues: “The Intruder Alarm or Exterior Product of the Year is a highly-coveted and highly competitive category every year, so to receive finalist status is something we are very proud of with our Enforcer V10.”

With a WIFI module included as standard in the kit, the Enforcer V10 covers installations from bells-only to full integration with the HomeControl+ App and PyronixCloud at Grade 2.

“We deliver the DIGI-WIFI as standard so that installers can be confident they have a competitive offering to their customers, and they can immediately benefit from the HomeControl+ App and PyronixCloud capabilities, right out of the box,” Laurence said.

He continues: “To have the Enforcer V10 voted as the PSI Intruder Product of the Year by industry professionals and to then receive finalist status at this event also, is very special and endorses that we have our customers at the core of the business.

“Congratulations to the winners on their achievements and I would like to thank the continued support of all our customers.”