The 12 Tips of Christmas


You’ve heard of the 12 Days of Christmas, well Pyronix are giving you our 12 Tips of Christmas

It’s that time of year again – the time for joy and the time for cheer. The season of good will and giving. Unfortunately, not everyone shares this Christmas spirit. Don’t fall victim to a Christmas burglary – make sure you take extra care this holiday season to keep unwanted visitors away.

We are sharing our 12 Tips of Christmas slightly early this year – join us for the next 12 days as we reveal our 12 top tips for keeping your home safe this Christmas:

And the 12th tip at Christmas for your security…
…Triple check your locking
Have a few things timing
Ensure your alarm’s working
Have neighbours watching
Don’t share social media
Report suspicious sightings
Affix external lighting
R-E-M-O-T-E   M-O-N-I-T-O-R-I-N-G
Lock up any sheds
Hide valuables
Attach Deltabells
And don’t hide any spare keys.

The Top Tips:

The first tip at Christmas for your security… Don’t hide any spare keys

Make sure that you resist the temptation of leaving any spare keys laying around your property. You may think it’s a good way for neighbours, friends or family to access your property, but it’s also a great way to let burglars in too. No matter how creative you are, hiding keys under mats, pots, bins, benches…, burglars will check, so don’t make it easy for them. Keep your property secure by not providing a key to the door.

The second tip at Christmas for your security… Attach Deltabells

A visual indicator that your property has a professional security system is an excellent way to deter any burglars. The Deltabell Plus is a backlit external sounder that produces a loud siren and strobe to anyone in the vicinity that an intrusion is taking place. Not only that, but even when an alarm is not active, it still acts as a fantastic 24-hour visual deterrent, with a light so bright, it will even give Father Christmas a landing light.

The third tip at Christmas for your security… Hide valuables

After all the Christmas shopping and looking through shop windows for ideas, make sure you don’t give burglars the opportunity to browse what you have in stock by leaving your valuables, presents and goodies on display. Seeing through a window that all your valuables and presents are easily accessible can attract unwanted attention. So, make sure the only thing a burglar can appreciate is your decorations and Christmas lights, by keeping your presents out of sight.

The fourth tip at Christmas for your security… Lock up any sheds

If you have any outbuildings, sheds or playhouses, make sure you keep them locked. Any buildings separate to your house are easy targets for burglars, so make sure you keep them secure. It is also worth keeping any ladders, DIY equipment or gardening tools locked away too, as you don’t want to leave anything laying around that can help burglars break in. Make sure you can sleep well while you’re in bed, by ensuring your tools are all safely locked away in the shed.

The fifth tip at Christmas for your security… R-E-M-O-T-E   M-O-N-I-T-O-R-I-N-G

Whether you’re away for the holidays, out Christmas shopping or out singing carols, remote monitoring is a fantastic way to check that your property is secure. The HomeControl+ App enables you to control your entire security system from the palm of your hand, as well as check every sensor on your property. So, whether it a burglar or Santa’s sleigh, you can check if it’s safe while you’re away.

And the sixth tip at Christmas for your security… Affix external lighting

If there are any areas of your property where visibility could be an issue, this can be a prime location for a burglar to attempt entry. Avoid any unwanted visitors by affixing external lighting to your property. Burglars are much less likely to attempt to break in if they are easily seen. So, whether it’s a cat walking across the lawn or a burglar; give them a fright by putting them under the spotlight.

And the seventh tip at Christmas for your security… Report suspicious sightings

It’s not just your own security to think about at Christmas, it’s also your neighbours and loved ones. So, if you notice anything out of the ordinary, make sure you report it to the police. Remember, if there is any sign of foul play, make sure you contact the police, even if you think it’s only Santa’s sleigh.

And the eighth tip at Christmas for your security… Don’t share social media

Burglars aren’t just active on the streets, they also have access to computers, smart devices and the internet. Any posts on social media channels saying that you can’t wait to go away or visit loved ones for the holidays, also tells burglars that you’re going to be away from your property. So, when posting about Christmas, make sure you’re not highlighting when your home is empty and for how long. Make sure, if you’re going to post, that it’s not actually an advert attracting an unwanted host.

And the ninth tip at Christmas for your security… Have neighbours watching

If you’re going to be leaving your property unoccupied this Christmas, perhaps to visit friends or relatives, make sure you ask someone you trust to check up on your house. Having a neighbour check on your property or by asking them to park their car in your drive, can give the illusion that your property isn’t empty or raise an alarm before it’s too late. If you’re not going to be there to guard, ask a diligent neighbour to make sure your Christmas isn’t marred.

And the 10th tip at Christmas for your security… Ensure your alarm’s working

Whether you’re going away or not this Christmas, you should make sure that your house alarm is in full working condition. You wouldn’t want anyone to break in, but if they do, you need to know that your security system will raise the alarm. Make sure you regularly test your system and have it serviced by a professionally accredited installer this Christmas. So, make sure that your security will raise the alarm, by testing it’s active before a burglar can do harm.

And the 11th tip at Christmas for your security… Have a few things timing

If you’re going away for Christmas, making your home look occupied is an effective way to deter any potential burglars. Seeing a landing light switch on in the night or hearing your radio at midday can indicate that someone’s home and can deter an intruder. However, make sure your automatic timers for lights, Christmas lights and radios aren’t predictably set to the same times each day, otherwise this can actually have the opposite effect. Remember, have random timers to make your house look like it’s not empty, so that a burglar is put off from attempting to gain entry.

And the 12th tip at Christmas for your security… Triple check your locking

An obvious but very important thing to remember this Christmas is to keep all your windows and doors locked and secured at all times. Whether you have opened a window for your Christmas light wiring to fit through or if you’ve left a door unlocked while you pop upstairs for a minute, this leaves your home vulnerable to an intruder. Don’t leave your home weak and exposed by always keeping your doors and windows locked and secured.

“From all the staff at Pyronix, we would like to wish you all a safe, secure and magical Christmas and a Happy New Year.”[:]