Two Way Wireless Technology
Each wireless device on the Enforcer system, including movement detectors is a transmitter and a receiver. The wireless technology used on the Enforcer system holds a significant advantage over one way and some two way wireless products currently available on the market.
Signal Strength Indicator (SSI)
One of the key advantages of implementing the SSI technology is to allow the installer to view the wireless transmission signal strength on both the control panel and wireless devices in real time.
Sealed optics
Protects from possible infestation from insects, shields air movement in front of the pyro-electric sensor and protects against adverse reflections from inside the detector housing.ABS plastics 3mm polished finish, reduces electrostatic interference on the PIR sensor.
Blue wave technology
This technology further enhances the detector’s immunity to infra-red noise in the environment. BWT comprises of some key components:
The new 3D optics system enables perfect focussing of the infra-red signal onto the pyro-electric sensor. This allows BWT to clearly identify the positive and negative signal edges.
Digital temperature compensation digitally adjusts the detector to ensure performance is maintained.
Powerful software embedded into a microprocessor is used to process the received information from the pyro-electric sensor. The result of this combination is lower infra-red signal noise amplification and therefore better immunity.
[:es]Óptica sellada[:pt]Lentes seladas[:pb]Controle de dispositivos bidirecional e instantâneo (ITDC)[:ru]Мгновенное двустороннее управление устройством (ITDC)[:]