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[:en]Replacement 3V lithium battery[:zh]可替换3V锂电池[:it]Batteria di ricambio trasmettitori CR2 3V
[:es]Pila de litio de 3 V de repuesto[:pt]Bateria de lítio 3V sobressalente[:pb]Bateria de lítio de 3 V de substituição[:ru]Сменная литиевая батарейка 3 В[:pl]Bateria litowa 3 V (część zamienna)[:fr]Pile de remplacement 3V au lithium[:]

Deltabell Lids

[:en]6 choices of covers for the Deltabell range[:zh]Deltabell系列的6种上盖可选
[:it]Coperchio della sirena disponibile in 6 colori


[:en]CR2 style battery [:zh]CR2类型电池[:it]Batteria la litio CR2 3V
[:es]Pila del tipo CR2 [:pt]Bateria tipo CR2 [:pb]Bateria tipo CR2 [:ru]Батарейка CR2 [:pl]Bateria typu CR2 [:fr]Pile de type CR2 [:]


[:zh]Deltabell-WE MKI和MKII 无线警号电池
[:it]Batteria di ricambio per Deltabell-WE MKI e MKII[:es]Pilas para la sirena inalámbrica Deltabell-WE MKI y MKII[:pt]Baterias para Sirene sem fios Deltabell-WE MKI e MKII[:pb]Baterias para sirene sem fio Deltabell-WE MKI e MKII[:ru]Батарейки для беспроводного звукового оповещателя Deltabell-WE MKI и MKII[:pl]Baterie do bezprzewodowego sygnalizatora akustycznego Deltabell-WE MKI i MKII[:fr]Piles pour avertisseur sans fil Deltabell-WE MKI et MKII[:]

Deltabell-X with Lightbox

External sounder with superior backlit option


[:en]Two-way Wireless 10m Pet Tolerant Detector[:zh]10米双向无线防宠物探测器
[:it]Rivelatore PIR Wireless Bidirezionale; Lente volumetrica; immune agli animali fino a 20Kg; portata 10mt; Sensore Quad[:es]Detector inalámbrico bidireccional a prueba de mascotas con alcance de 10 m[:pt]Detetor tolerante a animais domésticos sem fios bidirecional de 10 m[:pb]Detector de 10 m bidirecional sem fio com tolerância a animais domésticos[:ru]Беспроводной детектор, не реагирующий на животных, с областью обнаружения 10 м и двухсторонним радиосигналом[:pl]Dwukierunkowa czujka bezprzewodowa 10 m, odporna na zwierzęta domowe[:fr]Détecteur bidirectionnel sans fil tolérant aux animaux 10 m[:]


[:en]Two-way Wireless 12m Digital Quad PIR[:zh]12米双向无线数字四分区被动红外探测器[:it]Rivelatore PIR Wireless Bidirezionale; Lente volumetrica; portata 12mt; Sensore Quad
[:es]Sensor infrarrojo pasivo inalámbrico bidireccional con quad digital y alcance de 12 m[:pt]PIR Quad digital sem fios bidirecional de 12 m[:pb]PIR de 12 m Quad digital bidirecional sem fio[:ru]Беспроводной ПИК-детектор с двухсторонним радиосигналом, областью обнаружения 12 м и алгоритмом срабатывания по 4 каналам[:pl]Dwukierunkowa bezprzewodowa poczwórna cyfrowa czujka PIR 12 m[:fr]Quadri-PIR numérique bidirectionnel sans fil 12 m[:]

Enforcer Kit 2

[:en]Enforcer kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI now built onboard main PCB, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Enforcer V11 Panel[:zh]Enforcer kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Enforcer HomeControl+ Panel[:it]Enforcer kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Enforcer HomeControl+ Panel[:es]Enforcer kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Enforcer HomeControl+ Panel[:pt]Enforcer kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Enforcer HomeControl+ Panel[:pb]Enforcer kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Enforcer HomeControl+ Panel[:ru]Enforcer kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Enforcer HomeControl+ Panel[:pl]Enforcer kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Enforcer HomeControl+ Panel[:fr]Enforcer kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Enforcer HomeControl+ Panel[:]
