Showing 112 Products
[:en]Secure system control and door access tag.[:zh]PCX和Enforcer安防系统感应匙
[:it]Compatibile con tastiere e lettori Pyronix PXC e Enforcer
[:es]Etiqueta de proximidad para los sistemas de seguridad PCX y Enforcer[:pt]Etiqueta de proximidade PCX e sistemas de segurança Enforcer[:pb]Chaveiro de proximidade para PCX e sistemas de segurança Enforcer[:ru]Бесконтактная бирка для радиосигнальных систем безопасности PCX и Enforcer[:pl]Tag zbliżeniowy do systemów PCX i Enforcer[:fr]Balise de proximité pour systèmes de sécurité PCX et Enforcer[:]
[:en]Enforcer kit 3 with 4 detectors, MC1 MINI-WE, Deltabell Module and DIGI-WIFI now built onboard main PCB[:zh]Enforcer kit 3 with 4 detectors, MC1 MINI-WE, Deltabell Module and DIGI-WIFI[:it]Enforcer kit 3 with 4 detectors, MC1 MINI-WE, Deltabell Module and DIGI-WIFI[:es]Enforcer kit 3 with 4 detectors, MC1 MINI-WE, Deltabell Module and DIGI-WIFI[:pt]Enforcer kit 3 with 4 detectors, MC1 MINI-WE, Deltabell Module and DIGI-WIFI[:pb]Enforcer kit 3 with 4 detectors, MC1 MINI-WE, Deltabell Module and DIGI-WIFI[:ru]Enforcer kit 3 with 4 detectors, MC1 MINI-WE, Deltabell Module and DIGI-WIFI[:pl]Enforcer kit 3 with 4 detectors, MC1 MINI-WE, Deltabell Module and DIGI-WIFI[:fr]Enforcer kit 3 with 4 detectors, MC1 MINI-WE, Deltabell Module and DIGI-WIFI[:]
View[:en]Two-way wireless mini magnetic contact available in white or brown[:zh]白色或棕色的双向无线迷你门磁[:it]Contatto magnetico wireless disponibile in bianco e marrone[:es]Mini contacto magnético inalámbrico bidireccional, disponible en blanco o marrón[:pt]Mini contacto magnético bidirecional sem fios disponível em branco ou castanho[:pb]Minicontato magnético bidirecional sem fio disponível em branco ou marrom[:ru]Компактный магнитоконтактный беспроводной детектор с двухсторонним радиосигналом. Цвета: коричневый и белый[:pl]Dwukierunkowy bezprzewodowy kontaktron mini, biały lub brązowy[:fr]Mini contact magnétique bidirectionnel sans fil disponible en blanc ou marron[:]
View[:en]Wireless water leak detector
[:zh]防止水灾损害,接收漏水预警,减少水管爆裂,泄漏或其他类型的水灾造成的损害。[:it]Rivelatore di inondazione con tecnologia wireless bidirezionale
[:es]Detector de fugas de agua inalámbrico[:pt]Detetor de fuga de água sem fios[:pb]Detector de vazamento de água sem fio[:ru]Беспроводной детектор утечки воды[:pl]Bezprzewodowy czujnik zalania[:fr]Détecteur de fuite d’eau sans fil[:]
View[:en]Kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and a wireless keypad.[:zh]Enforcer Arming Station Kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and a LEDRKP/WHITE-WE keypad[:it]Enforcer Arming Station Kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and a LEDRKP/WHITE-WE keypad[:es]Enforcer Arming Station Kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and a LEDRKP/WHITE-WE keypad[:pt]Enforcer Arming Station Kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and a LEDRKP/WHITE-WE keypad[:pb]Enforcer Arming Station Kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and a LEDRKP/WHITE-WE keypad[:ru]Enforcer Arming Station Kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and a LEDRKP/WHITE-WE keypad[:pl]Enforcer Arming Station Kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and a LEDRKP/WHITE-WE keypad[:fr]Enforcer Arming Station Kit 2 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and a LEDRKP/WHITE-WE keypad[:]
View[:en]Enforcer kit 1 comes with DIGI-WIFI now built onboard main PCB, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Deltabell Module[:zh]Enforcer kit 1 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Deltabell Module[:it]Enforcer kit 1 with DIGI-WIFI as standard, 2 detectors, MC1MINI-WE and Deltabell Module[:]